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Doug Badger, Cellist

Chamber Music


HAMBER music has always held enormous fascination for me, a pivotal experience being the early success that I enjoyed with my school quartet, as winners of the National Chamber Music Competition of Great Britain, under the guidance of our tutor, the late Cecilia Cavaye. I think, though, that it was the many happy times that I spent busking with my student friends, during the Edinburgh Festival, which will remain as the fondest musical reminiscences of my youth. The immensely liberating feeling of taking music from the formal confines of the concert hall into public spaces and unusual venues is something which I am now
beginning to explore once again in duo and chamber music performances this year.

Ryebank Trio


INCE its formation in 2002 I have been a member of the Ryebank Trio with violinist Duncan Reid and pianist Jonathan Ellis. We have enjoyed many memorable concerts together, including a recent prize-winning recital at the Buxton Fringe and a rare opportunity to perform the Beethoven Triple Concerto with the Liverpool Mozart Orchestra in 2010.

Matthew Kam


HAVE also recently formed a duo partnership with pianist Matthew Kam and, following a well-received debut concert in Skipton in July 2011, we are looking forward to further performance and recording opportunities later this year. Visit Matthew’s website.

© Copyright Doug Badger, November 2011–January 2025
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