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All content on this site is under copyright, except where indicated otherwise. Please do not copy, reproduce, distribute, broadcast or publically air this material in whole or in part by any means, without first obtaining permission from me, the copyright holder. If you have any queries regarding this (or anything else), please visit my Contact page.
This copyright statement specifically includes all embedded audio, video hosted at You Tube, images, source code and text.
Photographs of famous composers used on the site are, as far as can be ascertained, in the public domain. Sources for public domain images, and material provided under Creative Commons Licence are viewable by rolling the mouse cursor over the image. Please contact me if you require further information.
Image gallery source code is modified from prettyPhoto by Stephane Caron; the audio player modified from that provided by MP3-Player; and the tinymce text editor, Moxiecode Systems.
Copyright for all other source code used on this site belongs to the designer, Jacqueline Jeremy.